Ref.No. IPA/CFU/MNE/135
The project is funded under the Program of the European Union and Montenegro for employment, education and social protection.
The program is co-financed by the European Union and the Government of Montenegro.
The Coordinator on this project is Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies UDG.
Fourth industrial revolution
The 4th industrial revolution (known as industry 4.0) is unfolding worldwide, opening up new horizons driven by new-generation digital technologies. The digital revolution brings opportunities for big and small companies across Europe, but many of them, especially SMEs, still find it difficult to make the most out of it. This change of paradigm has a profound impact in economies and societies, transforming products, processes and business models in every industry, and thus, every region needs responds to the specific needs of their industry to go digital. Montenegro (MNE) also recognized importance of investing and stimulating development of industry 4.0 and defined priorities in recently drafted Smart Specialization Strategy (published in 2018).
User mistrust in emerging technologies
Despite of all the hype surrounding the industry 4.0, the customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the digitized services. Security is one of the major issues which reduces the growth of digitization and complications with data privacy and data protection continue to plague the market. That is, as more and more information on individuals and companies are placed in the digital services/products, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is. This is why developers need complete system of knowledge and tools to design and implement enhanced cyber-security system over industry 4.0 environment (and its instances).
Need for advanced tools
On the other side, stimulated by the promising solutions of Semantic Web for addressing the problems of management and monitoring of services shared by different parties (with different semantics and interests), the service-oriented transformations over industry 4.0 processes are today a rapidly growing demand in almost all sectors. The potentials of semantic technologies in this field are recognized by Cloud Computing Alliance (Report: Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V3.0). Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V3.0). Yet, the technological and legal realization of the vision is still in its infancy. One important aspect is to enable integration, monitoring and exchange of knowledge of all parties which should result with (semi-) automatic ways for the detection, composition, legal and technical monitoring and coordination, (re-)actions on security attacks and their prevention in digitized environment. This is why developers need models and methods to help them develop architectures with integrated knowledge and semantics of each party, and tools needed for establishing security standards and mechanisms which are simple and easy to manage.
Encouraging innovation
Therefore, this project is aimed on fostering innovation and placement of cyber enhanced industry 4.0 by building new knowledge, designing and developing architectures, tools and methods to maximize usability, efficiency, legal foundations and security of digitized services.
The key logic of the project relies on the following broad approach:
(Step I) Creation of innovative knowledge and development of innovative semantically-enhanced system (architecture, mechanisms, tools) in multidisciplinary are of cyber security of industry 4.0.
(Step II) Proof-of-concept by prototyping and simulation testing.
(Step III) Promotion of innovation, commercial and market orientation.