Primjena vještačke inteligencije u poslovanju
Naš kolega Ivan Bošković iz partnerske firme ITAS nedavno je održao seminar na temu primjene vještačke inteligencije (AI) u poslovanju, organizovan od strane Privredne komore
Naš kolega Ivan Bošković iz partnerske firme ITAS nedavno je održao seminar na temu primjene vještačke inteligencije (AI) u poslovanju, organizovan od strane Privredne komore
Čikom ponosno ističe da smo ove godine bili zlatni sponzor konferencije hashtag#ITSpot24! Na ovogodišnjem događaju, fokus je bio na ključnim temama poput: GovTech i digitalna
Mladen Bukilic održao je prezentaciju na temu “Piramida naprednih prijetnji, protivničke taktike i tehnike”, pružajući uvid u ključne izazove i strategije za borbu protiv modernih
Key to a successful information system lies in methodological design. In the detailed process of analysis of your business our team will gather all the requests that will later shape an all encompassing information system. During the design process our team will look at the problems your business faces from multiple angles, and come up with a solution that will help you respond to any challenge.
Using modern planning and managing methods we implement the plan we created together. Whether its our own software, or software and hardware solution from one of our partners, we approach each client with special care and create unique solutions based on specific challenges of your business. Strict quality control ensures flawless operation of our solutions.
Applying best practices and proven technologies, we bring high quality, stable and secure software programs. With an agile approach to software development, we ensure the accuracy of required functionalities and identified business processes. Web, mobile or cross-platform development are fields where we have ample ideas for creating useful, simple and interactive solutions.
Our team stands by the client, regardless of whether we are helping to solve problems by phone, email, web program or going to the field. Our clients are always informed about the cause of the problem, the process of solving it and the solution to the problem. Trust a team made up of specialists in certain fields, who are ready to listen to your every question, who have a very high level of technical knowledge and who believe that customer relations are invaluable.
Thanks to certified MCT trainers that are a part of our company, we conduct official Microsoft training for gaining globally accepted Microsoft certifications. Based on the request of the trainees we also organize training from other vendors(Cisco, Vmware, Checkpoint, Redhat...) which is conducted by certified guest lecturers. As a part of our training center there is an official Pearson Vue test center. Pearson Vue is a global leader in conducting online tests and official exams, accepted by all major global companies.
Adequate network infrastructure enables higher degree of employee productivity which leads to achieving company goals. During the design and implementation of the network infrastructure, our team analyzes the existing network infrastructure, the way the apps work and services that are used, and based on a detailed analysis of company goals, they implement a solution through multiple iterations.
We implement modern, reliable, and safe hardware and software solutions from world renown vendors, which allow for uninterrupted execution and automation of corporate services, with guaranteed high performance. We offer access security for every type of device, availability of the service in case of malfunction of the equipment or infrastructure that is used, as wall us backup solutions, upgrading, migration and replication of services and critical data, both locally and over long distances, without interrupting your work.
Face everyday challenges in protecting your business. Safety of information is the basis of company stability. Number and type of threats in modern IT systems is getting bigger each day. Our team is comprised of experts who can recognize all the flaws, at all levels in your systems, and do everything to completely protect you. Respond in a correct way to all the risks that accompany digital transformation: Endpoint Security, Network Security, Information Security, Identity Security, Log Management, Threat Hunting are just some of the fields that we can help you with.
Printing and copying is often an expense that is not controlled in most companies. Managing printing improves efficiency by reducing unneeded printing. Our solution allows for safe access control and better productivity.
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